The X-Factor Diet
Well, it seems that people who cannot come up with an original idea, can at least think of a trendy name containing the eye-catching and product selling letter "X" and maybe even a reference to the popular X-Files series. I know that the X-Files series is now ancient history, but so are the glory days of the Atkins diet and of many other low carbs diets. However, this doesn't mean that low-carbs diets have stopped working. You just have to be very careful when choosing one, because you might end up depriving yourself of vital minerals or vitamins.
So, what else is it to this X-Factor Diet beside the rather out of place use of the letter X? Well, not much. The same old idea that cutting off the carbs will help bring blood sugar levels under control and reduce the amount of insulin released into the cardiovascular system. This will, of course, prompt the body to start burning up the energy stored as fat in order to make up for the difference in energy levels. By controlling insulin levels, the user can prevent or even treat the condition known as Syndrome X (hence the book title) or insulin resistance, which diminishes the effect of insulin on fat and promotes obesity.
The diet features two programs to choose from, depending on how much fat you're planning to shed, but both of them are basically the same low-carbs, high-protein diet. The biggest difference between the X-Factor and Atkins is the fact that X-Factor avoids the fried foods and butter promoted by Atkins and focuses instead on healthier fats obtained from lean meat, chicken, eggs and fish. Bread, pasta, wholegrains, rice, beans and most fruit and vegetables are out. However, the Insulin Balance eating plan allows a bit more vegetables and fruits than the Ketogenics plan.
Following the stricter plan women can expect to shed between 4 and 12 pounds in the first two weeks, followed by 1 to 2 pounds later on. Men are likely to lose between 8 and 16 pounds during the first phase of the diet. Overall, this diet is a little better than the Atkins diet, but still not very healthy for users. Healthy eating requires you to split the intake of calories between carbs (50 percent), fat (35 percent) and protein (15 percent). A diet that replaces carbs with proteins is likely to mean trouble later on, especially since no studies have managed to prove that low-carbs diets are better than low-calorie diets.