Muscle tension may be the number one symptom of stress, but more people go to their doctors and the ER for stomach ailments than all other physical problems; the majority of which have a very strong stress related component to them.
There are lots of nerve endings that are connected to the entire GI (stomach) track. This could explain the link between stress and physical ailments such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, Crohn’s Disease and many others.
5 Aspects of Nutrition That Are Affected by Stress
1. Nutrients
2. Digestion
3. Absorption
4. Metabolism
5. Elimination
Stress triggers our flight or fight response; this depletes our storage of nutrients we use for energy production. Even if you sit in front of your computer screen all day and stew over various problems or make Squidoo lenses.
1. Water-soluble vitamins (B & C) are greatly affected by stress.
The elimination of fluids is part of the fight or flight response and you can flush out water soluble vitamins.
2. The B-complex vitamins (e.g., B-6, B-12, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, Riboflavin), are also used in the process for energy metabolism.
Fatigue is one of the symptoms of chronic stress, and this may come about as a result of depletion of these B-complex vitamins.
3. Many minerals are also involved with energy production and will become depleted with chronic stress.
Because energy only comes from Carbs and Fats (and in times of starvation, proteins) vitamins and minerals are only the regulators of these chemical processes. In other words, vitamin supplements do not count as a meal.
Most minerals are involved with 5-10 metabolic processes. Magnesium is involved with over 300 of these. Being deficient with Magnesium is not good!
The body has an amazing ability to compensate for an imbalance of nutrients, but only to a point. Then various physiological systems, begin to show signs of dysfunction and illness (e.g., nervous system, reproductive system, immune system, etc.)
To learn more about stress and diet go to “A Low Stress Diet For A High Stress World“.
Source: Welcoa