Thursday, April 16, 2009

Want to become a low-carb (or health/fitness/other) columnist? is currently seeking low-carb (and more) columnists for their site!

I absolutely love writing as an Examiner! It is a great time, and the editors are tremendous. We’re really like a big family.

Since beginning to write for, I have garnered over 50,000 readers a month, have blessed with over 500 subscribers, and make enough money each month to pay for groceries for a family of 6 on very little effort.

Our company currently has over 12 million readers monthly, with over 2 million links coming from Examiners as a trusted source of information.

Many of our writers are going out in the top handful of Google and Yahoo searches, and a few have been picked up by Fark, Yahoo News and Drudge! Linda Franklin has been on the Today Show, and Auction Wally (Walt Kolenda) has appeared on a local Fox station. Other writers are being discovered and are garnering book deals and other opportunities to write for pay.

It really is an incredible opportunity to be seen and to pay it forward to other low-carbers (or other topics you have a fondness for). Make sure you apply for whatever your true passion is and where you feel you will be a fantastic local resource to your readers.

Whether you’re in Mossy Rock, Washington and love antique cars, or you live in New York City and you want to help people find their way through the Low-Carb lifestyle, there are many topics available.

Think you might be interested?

Please apply by:

1. Clicking this link

2. Then choose your city by toggling the little bar to the upper right that says “View other location” if you are not in the hub closest to your home (IP addresses are picked up and should show your closest hub).

3. Click through the various topics and channels to see what we’re seeking.

4. Fill out the application and use my name, Jamie VanEaton, as your referrer.

To learn more about Examiner

Important disclosure! Any finder’s fees I earn from referrals of chosen Examiners will be used for postage for sending out prizes and other expenses incurred writing this blog and in making an effort to forward the low-carb message. I am totally not trying to get rich from this. Trust me. (lol) PLEASE NOTE: Applying does not guarantee a column. All applicants are thoroughly vetted in the application process, so do your best.

If you have any questions, please contact me at

I look forward to working with you!